Wisdom of Whales

The message of the spokesperson for the whales is imbued with great wisdom.
Since 2007, I have engaged in telepathic communication with animals; people ask me ​​to be the intermediary between humans and animals. During monthly group sessions, I answer a question from each participant. Most of the time, people choose to speak to their cat or their dog, but sometimes we receive messages from a deer, a laboratory animal, a horse and even a fly! On February 14, 2022, Suezan Lamy brought in a recording of a whale’s sounds and asked whether the whale had a message for us on this Valentine's Day. Little did she know that February 19 was International Whale Day. I managed to communicate with the whale who agreed to be spokesperson for the whales; to all of the participants amazement this quickly turned into delight. It is my pleasure, on this International Whale Day, to share the whale’s clear and forceful message. As you’ll see, the message of the spokesperson for the whales is imbued with great wisdom.

Message from the whales by animal communication

“We hold the history of the earth. We are not the only animals, the only mammals to do this, but you are asking us. We hold the history of the earth in this time of great upheaval. We strive to maintain an intra-terrestrial balance. I say intra-terrestrial, of course under water, but we also have a deep connection with other beings; they also contribute in their own way, in their sacred space, accompanying us in this matter which is liquid, which is fluid. We are a team. At this time, it is very demanding for each species to maintain a form of balance, as much for its own species, as for all the species on this planet.
A great lack of awareness on the part of humans. This is what is emerging more and more and what you are all experiencing regardless of whether you are conscious or unconscious of your role. You have all played a role in what is happening now on this earth. This is an accumulation of years, many, many years. I will not use the word destruction; I will say massive and largely willful ignorance. Receive our love. This is not meant as a criticism, but things need to be said and they need to be heard for what they are. Of course, there has been a movement for some years, of urgency, a cry of alarm concerning marine species, waters, everything that makes up our universe. We won’t even comment on the indescribable pollution created by man, in all its forms. That said, we stay the course, we are still present. When you see the departure of our species individually, but especially collectively, you are surprised, and for a brief moment the human being is saddened by our fate. This is only of short duration because the human being is very, very busy and is constantly being taken from one thing to another, from one distraction to another without really stopping long enough to establish a new order. Again, this is not a criticism, this is an observation. 
What is happening now on the earth, of course impacts us. What is happening is precisely this great upheaval, this great change to bring order. The order of things, not the order of man. That is why there is so much discord, there is so much control and so much power that interferes and wants to maintain the status quo. But know that all conscious beings, of which you are a part, and indeed many other humans, and all species that are here, regardless of the form they occupy, all conscious beings, powerful beings, enlightened beings. All have a role to play whether it is in the living room or in a crowd and I say all species, not just humans in these times. So be aware and Be Who You Are.
Be, emanate and contribute to what you have come to do. Not only in movements that are often of limited duration but rather those with a long-term impact. Find the direction in you, remember Who you are, why you came and do not hesitate to take action, each one of you and all that is alive on earth. Everyone, no matter what species, no matter what kingdom, everyone at this time is called to be and to contribute in order to bring back the balance, to bring back the Order, not the human order but the Order of things. 
So don't despair or be sad when a being, no matter what form it takes, when a species that you say is dying out. There is nothing that becomes extinct. Everything, life is a perpetual movement. That said, when a species chooses to leave for a given time, it leaves this plane but this earth plane is only one plane among many in the Universe. So do not be sad, but understand. Just as you, you are here at this moment to contribute to something but the part of the human you are in and the role you play is really just one part of the greatness of your Being. So do not hesitate to recognize yourself as the Great Being that you Are, who comes to take part in this play, which is an important part but not the only part. Remember who you are just as we do and let us continue together in this Great Change. Do not choose the word upheaval but really the word Change in order to bring back the Order, the order of things. 
Be assured that there will be a happy ending to all of this. And I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to look beyond what is shown to you, you all have this capacity. And the more you do this, the more you will be able to share this in your words, in your thoughts, in your writings even, so that more beings can read it, reconnect with it because it is simply forgotten. Allow yourselves to be in a way the spokespersons, in whatever form you choose, so that more beings will remember and reconnect with their true essence.
I thank you for this opportunity. I am very happy to be the spokesperson for my species and know that you are honored and you are loved on all planes and that you are, the word example does not quite define it but you understand the meaning of my words. You are extraordinary beings who have chosen to live what you are living being who you are, in this matter, in this context. This is why so many universes are looking at you and so many beings are grateful to you. So do not take your role lightly but be well aligned and do what you came to do. 
You are continuously transmitting information, whether consciously or unconsciously, information to other universes and other planes that is very beneficial and especially necessary for all the species of this world and of many other worlds. Understand that in the other universes where there is also life, where there are also animals of different forms for example, that what you are experiencing here on earth, this profound change, you speak of DNA, this genetic change that is taking place for all species on earth, this is also manifested in other species in other universes. So as everything is a whole, know that what is happening here also has effects and repercussions elsewhere in other worlds. 
I wish that you look at yourselves, that you recognize yourselves in the Greatness, in the Power and in the Light that you are so that you can shine even more freely Who you Are and contribute consciously so that you can also take advantage of this Great Moment, of this Great Change because this is a moment of Glory and I use this word in full awareness. Thank you, thank you for this opportunity and, beautiful continuity.”
 Transmitted by Lynda Yelle

Message to Humans from a “Dog in Spirit”