Soul Healing

115,00 $

You can receive healing guided by your Divine Presence.

Free yourself of the old and be more receptive to continue your journey Home!

Each step in awareness is your connexion with your Higher Self. It gives meaning to your experiences and the transitions. You have a better understanding of your life’s journey. Stop searching what the next step in your life should be. Let your Divine Presence show you the way. Reinforce the connexion with your Higher Self and remember the true meaning of your life on earth. During this session, you allow yourself to open up to new possibilities. You are guided to remember how to create with the changes happening in your life. You know where Home is!

This session is 60 minutes. It is done via phone. If you prefer Zoom, send me the link.

After you made the payment, please book your appointment by clicking on the “I’m booking” button (or the Book Now button on the Contact page).

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